About 35 of us from across 5 Auckland parishes (as well as 3 Auckland Companions and Paul and Linda Darbyshire) gathered at St Ignatius Parish, St Heliers to once again be inspired by Father Brian Traynor CP as he presented ‘From Strangers to Friends’.    This topic covered ‘Belonging, Believing, Behaving’ as opposed to ‘Believing, Behaving, Belonging’.  The former puts the emphasis on belonging and inclusiveness from the get-go which was the message of Jesus, and which has always been fundamental to the Passionist Family Group Movement.   The latter has been the model of Christendom over the centuries.  But as our Pope has said, let’s put into practice a ‘change of era’.

Father Brian also talked about ‘teams’ and how the movement is implementing leadership teams at every level.  This approach shares the load and brings more/different strengths to any role.

True to the spirit of things Passionist, there was much sharing of ideas in small groups.  There was also much fellowship and socialising over food during the breaks.

We were delighted to be joined by Paul and Linda Darbyshire from the National Co-ordinating Team who commissioned the newly formed Auckland Diocese Co-ordinating Team.

Libby Giddey
On behalf of the Auckland Diocese Co-ordinating Team
Colin and Lindsay Brand, Penny Hudson and Libby Giddey.